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The Egmont Group Thanks the United Arab Emirates Financial Intelligence Unit, for hosting the 29th Egmont Group Plenary

The Egmont Group thanks the United Arab Financial Intelligence Unit (UAEFIU) for hosting the 29th annual Egmont Group Plenary from July 3 – 7, 2023, in Abu Dhabi, UAE.

This year’s event included over 500 delegates from member FIUs and 13 international organizations, working together towards strategic decisions that will improve global collaboration and effectiveness in fighting money laundering and terrorist financing (ML/TF), including:

  • The decision to implement a modern and future-proof collaborative IT infrastructure for enhancing financial intelligence sharing among a global network of 170 FIUs.
  • The decision to welcome 4 new member FIUs to the Egmont Group.
  • The adoption of important work focused on understanding ML/TF risks stemming from trade-based money laundering, extreme right-wing terrorist, and other ML/TF threats.
  • The signing of 41 memoranda of understanding for information exchange between member FIUs.

The Egmont Group extends is special thanks to H.E. Mohamed Bin Hadi Al Hussaini, Minister of State for Financial Affairs, H.E. Abdullah bin Sultan bin Awad Al Nuaimi, Minister of Justice, H.E. Ahmed al Sayegh, Minister of State, H.E. Khaled Mohammed Balama Al Tameemi, Governor of the Central Bank and Chair of the National Anti-Money Laundering and Combatting Financing of Terrorism and Financing of Illegal Organizations Committee, H.E. Hamid Al Zaabi, Director General of the UAE Executive Office to Combat Money Laundering and Terrorism Financing, and to Ali Faisal Ba’Alawi, Head of UAEFIU, for demonstrating the UAE authorities’ highest level of commitment to fight ML/TF.


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