The Egmont Group is pleased to announce several leadership changes within the Egmont Group.
Firstly, we are happy to share that Mrs. Hennie Verbeek-Kusters will continue to lead the Egmont Group as Chair. The Egmont Group sincerely appreciates Mrs. Verbeek-Kusters’ dedication, direction and willingness to lead.
The Egmont Group welcomes its two new Vice-Chairs, Mr. Marko Stolle (Deputy Head of FIU Germany and Chair of the Egmont Group’s Information Exchange Working Group) and Mrs. Xolisile Khanyile (HoFIU South Africa). We look forward to working with them in their new roles.
All incoming roles will serve until the end of the Egmont Group Plenary in 2022.
The Egmont Group extends its sincerest thanks to the outgoing Vice-Chair of the Egmont Committee, Mrs. Ramatoulaye Gadio Agne of CENTIF, Senegal, for her hard work and leadership during her time as Vice-Chair. The Egmont Group looks forward to continued collaboration with Mrs. Agne in her role as Regional Representative for the West and Central Africa Region.
For more information about our Chair and Vice-Chairs, please visit this webpage.