The Egmont Group is a united body of 177 Financial Intelligence Units (FIUs): FIUs are uniquely positioned to support national and international efforts to counter-terrorist financing. FIUs are also trusted gateways for sharing financial information domestically and internationally per global anti-money laundering and counter-financing of terrorism (AML/CFT) standards. The Egmont Group provides FIUs with a platform to securely exchange expertise and financial intelligence to combat money laundering, terrorist financing (ML/TF), and associated predicate offences.
Adding value: The Egmont Group adds value to member FIUs’ work by improving stakeholders’ understanding of ML/TF risks and draws upon operational experience to inform policy considerations, including AML/CFT implementation and AML/CFT reforms. The Egmont Group is the operational arm of the international AML/CFT apparatus.
Financial Intelligence Sharing and International Cooperation: The Egmont Group recognizes financial intelligence sharing is of paramount importance and has become the cornerstone of international efforts to counter ML/TF. FIUs around the world are obliged by international AML/CFT standards to exchange information and engage in international cooperation. As a global financial intelligence forum, the Egmont Group facilitates and prompts this exchange amongst its member FIUs.
International Standards Implementation: The Egmont Group supports international partners’ and other stakeholders’ efforts to implement the resolutions and statements of the United Nations Security Council, Financial Action Task Force (FATF), and G20 Finance Ministers.
The Egmont Group does not conduct financial investigations. Instead, domestic law enforcement and investigative authorities manage such inquiries.
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