International cooperation is imperative to fighting money laundering, terrorist financing, and associated predicate crimes. The Egmont Group (EG) recognizes international partner organizations as colleagues in this fight. The EG strives to expand cooperation and collaboration with partner organizations and believes it is of critical importance to leverage resources and develop synergies through cooperating with international organizations and other corporate entities.
While the EG’s focus is on operational aspects of international cooperation involving FIUs, it does not operate in isolation. The EG participates as an observer in the meetings of other international partners. Similarly, the EG invites numerous international partners to attend EG meetings.
A. Eligibility
B. Responsibilities
C. Privileges
Step 1: Expression of Interest & Acknowledgement
Step 2: Review & Endorsement
Step 3: Decision
A. Eligibility
All EG observer organizations must:
- Be governmental or inter-governmental
- Be non-profit
- Have a stated role relating to AML/CFT
- Support the EG’s objectives
- Enhance the EG’s global reach, geographic goals, and/or AML/CFT objectives
- Contribute to the EG’s work
B. Responsibilities
Observers fully co-operate with the EG Heads of FIU (HoFIU), Chair, Vice-Chairs, Egmont Committee (EC), EG Secretariat (EGS), Working Groups, and Regional Groups to further the EG’s objectives. Observers keep the EG informed of changes in their structure, mandate, mission, or other variations that might impact their eligibility as observers. On a reciprocal basis, observers provide the EG with their reports and publications related to matters relevant to FIUs. Based on reciprocity, observers engage in cooperation and coordination with the EG Secretariat to avoid duplication and overlap and develop ways and means of harmonizing activities that fall within the EG’s scope. Observers grant reciprocal rights to the EG including attendance at meetings, working groups, and information sharing on AML/CFT issues.
C. Privileges
Observers have a standing invitation to attend and participate in the proceedings of the EG Plenary meetings and EG Working Group meetings but have no decision-making rights; however, observers cannot participate during closed sessions unless invited to do so by the Working Group’s respective Chair. Observers may submit proposals/projects of mutual interest and benefit to the EG. Observers may access EG papers if those papers are:
- Determined not to be confidential in nature by the EG Chair, Vice-Chairs, EC, Executive Secretary, Working Group Chairs, or the HoFIU as the final arbiter.
- Determined to be confidential, but where document access, by designated observers, is authorized, on a case-by-case basis, by the Chair, EG Vice-Chairs, EC, Executive Secretary, or Working Groups Chairs, or the HoFIU as the final arbiter. Observers may be granted access to the ESW Observer Section.
Step 1: Expression of Interest & Acknowledgement
The process starts when a person with the authority of an organization writes to the EG Chair of the EG (copy to the EGS Executive Secretary) expressing interest in becoming an EG Observer. This Expression of Interest should provide information on the organization and its activities, including its relevance to AML/CFT and EG/FIU efforts.
- Define the objectives sought behind holding EG Observer status
- Declare clear support for and implementation of the EG’s principles and objectives
- Describe the means by which it could make a contribution to the EG’s work
- The Expression of Interest should also demonstrate how the organization meets the Essential Criteria for Admission (outlined above under A. Eligibility)
After the Expression of Interest, the Executive Secretary of the EGS will acknowledge the correspondence.
Step 2: Review & Endorsement
The EGS in coordination with the External Relations and Communications Reference Group will review the Expression of Interest against the Essential Criteria for Admission (outlined above under A. Eligibility).
Once eligibility is determined, the review of the Expression of Interest will be submitted to the EC for consideration and, if accepted, will be referred for endorsement to the HoFIU.
Step 3: Decision
The EG Chair will notify the applicant of the outcomes of both the EC’s decision and HoFIU’s decision.
- If positive, the EGS will establish formal points of contact for the provision of information and other administrative arrangements.
- The EG retains the right to decline the application of any organization for failure to meet any of the foregoing criteria.
To address the criteria above and to better understand how international organizations can apply to become Egmont Group observers, and subsequent observer responsibilities and privileges please refer to the attached documents: