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Vice-Chair represents the Egmont Group at the G20 Anticorruption Working Group Meeting in Paris

The Egmont Group, represented by Vice-Chair Sheikha May bint Mohamed Alkhalifa, was pleased to present at the G20 Anticorruption Working Group Meeting in Paris this week.

May Alkhalifa highlighted the Egmont Group’s distinctive role as a global organization comprising 177 FIU members, which facilitates and promotes the exchange of information, knowledge, and cooperation among member FIUs.

During her presentation, Mme. AlKhalifa emphasized these critical aspects:

FIU Independence and Government Commitment: These are fundamental for effective anti-corruption efforts.

International Cooperation in Fighting Cross-Border Corruption: The Egmont Group and its member FIUs collaborate closely with private sectors, FATF, and INTERPOL to enhance cooperation in the fight against corruption.

Recovery and return of the proceeds of corruption: Deprives corrupt actors of their illicit assets and reinforces the principles of justice and accountability. The EG is committed to contributing to these efforts by providing expertise and facilitating information exchange.

Mme. AlKhalifa also highlighted several key Egmont projects and initiatives on laundering the proceeds of corruption and other relevant reports with ties to corruption including two ECOFEL courses on:

  • Operational Independence and Autonomy, and
  • The ECOFEL’s recently updated eLearning course on Wildlife Crimes.

Financial intelligence plays a pivotal role in detecting, analyzing, investigating and prosecuting corrupt activities, and the Egmont Group brings added value to this process through its international information exchange mechanisms.

The Egmont Group supports the strategic goals of the G20 Anti-Corruption Working Group and is  committed to assisting in their execution, particularly in areas like asset recovery and international cooperation.

The Egmont Group is honored to be invited to the G20 Anti-Corruption Working Group meetings and look forward to contributing further in the future.


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