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Executive Secretary’s Keynote Highlights International Cooperation at CFATF HoFIU Forum

We are pleased to announce that the Executive Secretary, Jerome Beaumont delivered an insightful intervention at the Caribbean Financial Action Task Force (CFATF) Head of Financial Intelligence Units (HoFIU) Forum in Negril, Jamaica on December 1, 2024. Mr. Beaumont highlighted the significant cooperation between CFATF, CFATF members, and the Egmont Group.

At the CFATF Forum, Jerome Beaumont hammered home some crucial points:

  • In today’s globalized world, most financial crimes have transnational elements, making international cooperation crucial for effective prevention and enforcement.
  • In 2023, Egmont Group member FIUs conducted more than 24,000 international exchanges of information, highlighting the extensive network and collaborative efforts in combating financial crimes.
  • The Egmont Group, with its 177-member FIUs, is pivotal in facilitating international cooperation, as it provides a secure IT platform, produces typology reports, and offers capacity-building programs like the Egmont Centre of FIU Excellence and Leadership (ECOFEL).
  • Mr. Beaumont also highlighted the importance of working with non-traditional partners, including private sector, academia, technologists, and subject matter experts on specific topics and projects, strengthening the Egmont Group’s ability to identify and address future vulnerabilities and threats.

Together, the Egmont Group, CFATF, and CFATF FIUs can achieve common goals by enhancing the exchange of information, providing joint training programs, identifying typologies and ML/TF risks, and sharing best practices.

We would like to extend our gratitude to CFATF President, Angelo Brete and CFATF Executive Director, Dawne Spicer for their hospitality.  We thank Egmont Group Regional Representative RJ Berry and Chair of the HoFIU CFATF Forum, Ms. Elvira Kross for their significant contributions to the Egmont Group.


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